
Tuesday 4 January 2011


Today I took down the Yule decorations. I’d been putting it off because I liked the sparkles and ivy. Now they’re down I feel refreshed. The cabin looks somehow fresher and cleaner.

I was proud of my wreath this year, having employed my basket making skills to make a proper and well-constructed wreath.

The refreshing of the cabin and the rituals of discarding the shrivelled and old Yule decorations is applicable to myself.

It’s the New Year, at least in accordance to the Gregorian calendar. I’ve decided to set myself goals for the next six months rather than the entire year. The summer has a tendency to sap my focus and I never seem to reclaim it before the year’s end. This time Mr Kite and I intend to plan goals up to our annual summer bbq party and no further. At the summer bbq party we’ll make goals for the remaining six months of the year. I intend to make goals at the start of each month as well. We’ll see if this works out…

I got the Msylexia diary for Christmas. I highly recommend it to female writers. There’s tons of writer geared stuff like a submissions diary, loads of blank spaces for notes, monthly inspirational stuff, a basic directory of the year’s key literary competitions, festivals, events and journals, a place to note what books you’ve lent and borrowed and slots at the front & back inner pages for loose notes.

I’d really like 2011 to be a key year for my writing. I have a first novel draft I’m happy with. I’d like to send it to agents and publishers this year. I’d like to sign a contract. Accepting that goal and writing it for all to see is the first step.

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