
Friday, 1 April 2011

Overbearing / long skate

I entered the Terry Pratchett first novel prize ages ago. I didn’t win it. They haven’t announced who’s been short listed yet, though they should have done yesterday. I didn’t expect to win; my novel didn’t quite match the criteria for a start. It was well worth doing. I got a 126000 word novel written in four months. Since I submitted it I’ve been editing and doing some retrospective research, checking that what I’ve written is accurate, or at least knowing it’s inaccurate. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but this novel is probably the nearest to being in a decent enough shape to consider sending somewhere.

Aside from novel research and edits I’ve been writing a short story featuring longboarding. The spark point for this story is with this blog post

wherein a longboard dancer pulls slick moves to the beat of an inferior version of Prodigy’s Omen (love that song!)

More on that later.

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